The P2O processor can produce a range of fuel products, which do not require further refining.
Off Products of the P2O Process
In addition, approximately 10-12% of the output of the P2O process is a range of off-gases. These include hydrogen, propane and butane, which are utilized to run the P2O processor, as well as petcoke.
All off-products produced by P2O have commercial value in various applications.
No. 6 Fuel
No. 6 Fuel is heavy fuel generally used in industrial boilers and ships. No. 6 Fuel produced by the P2O process is the Company’s cleanest product when compared with existing industry standards, containing less than 16 ppm of sulphur in comparison with the maximum of 30,000 ppm allowable in mainstream No. 6 Fuels.
No. 6 Fuel products produced by competing process are residue products of the refining process and are considered residue fuels.
Plastic2Oil No. 6 Fuel, however, is a direct product of its P2O process, meaning it does not require further blending.
Plastic2Oil No. 6 Fuel is a clear brown liquid at temperatures of 90º F. It has been tested by major industrial users with positive results.

No. 2 Fuel
(Diesel, Petroleum Distillate)
No. 2 Fuel is a mid-range fuel commonly known as furnace oil or diesel. When No. 2 Fuel is used for industrial purposes as furnace oil, it does not require any additives. If the fuel is to be used as diesel, it must have a lubricity and anti-oxidant additive.
100% of the Plastic2Oil No. 2 Fuel is derived from waste plastic and does not require blending.
Naphtha is a very light fuel that is used as a cut feedstock for ethanol or as white gasoline in high and regular grade road certified fuels.
Butane and additives are typically required, along with blending, to make Naphtha road-ready.
The Naphtha produced by the P2O process is ultra-clean and ultra-low sulphur.
Petcoke (Carbon Black)
Petcoke (Carbon Black) is a carbonaceous solid produced as the result of the carbon cracking process. Because of its high BTU (British Thermal Unit) value, the highest industry usage of Petcoke is by steel manufacturers who use it to fire their blast furnaces.
Plastic2Oil produces Petcoke through the P2O process and will be seeking a BUD (Beneficial Use Determination) to sell this product to end-users.